Comilla University Admission Admit Card 2025 –

The Comilla University Admission Circular 2025 has been released. This Article will help you understand the Comilla University Admission 2025 Process. It provides important information about how to apply, admit card, marks distribution, results, and more. Please read each section carefully to know all the details about Comilla University admissions.

Comilla University Admission Test Date

The Comilla University Admission Test 2024-2025 will be held on 19 and 25 April 2025. Here is the schedule for the tests:

  • Unit C (Business Studies Faculty): 19 April 2025, 10:00 AM to 11:00 AM.
  • Unit A (Science and Engineering Faculty): 19 April 2025, 3:00 PM to 4:00 PM.
  • Unit B (Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Social Science, and Law): 25 April 2025, 4:00 PM to 5:00 PM.

Please visit the Comilla University Admission website ( for more details.

Application Eligibility

To apply for the admission test at Comilla University, you need to have passed certain exams.

  • You must have passed HSC/Alim/equivalent exam in 2023 or 2024.
  • You must have passed SSC/Dakhil/equivalent exam in 2020, 2021, or 2022.

Here are the requirements for each Unit:

Unit A (Science and Engineering Faculty)

  • You need to have a total GPA of 8.00.
  • You need to have a minimum GPA of 3.50 in both SSC/equivalent and HSC/equivalent exams.
  • These GPAs are calculated with the 4th subject.
  • For Mathematics, CSE, ICT, Physics, and Statistics departments, you need GPA 3.00 in Mathematics in HSC/equivalent.
  • For Mathematics, CSE, and ICT departments, you must answer in Mathematics in the admission test.
  • For Chemistry department, you need GPA 3.50 in Chemistry and GPA 2.50 in Mathematics in HSC/equivalent.
  • For Pharmacy department, you need GPA 3.50 in Chemistry and Biology, and GPA 2.50 in Mathematics in HSC/equivalent.

Unit B (Faculty of Arts and Humanities, Social Science, and Law)

  • For Humanities background, you need a total GPA of 6.00.
  • For Science background, you need a total GPA of 7.00.
  • For Business Studies background, you need a total GPA of 6.50.
  • These total GPAs are calculated with the 4th subject.
  • You need to have a minimum GPA of 3.00 separately in both SSC/equivalent and HSC/equivalent exams for all backgrounds.
  • For English department, you need a letter grade A- in English in HSC/equivalent exam.
  • For Economics department, you need to have Economics, Math or Statistics subject in HSC/equivalent.
  • For Law department, you must get at least 40% marks in English in the admission test.

Unit C (Business Studies Faculty)

  • For Science background, you need a total GPA of 7.00. You need GPA 3.50 separately in both SSC/equivalent and HSC/equivalent exams.
  • For Business Studies background, you need a total GPA of 6.50. You need GPA 3.00 separately in both SSC/equivalent and HSC/equivalent exams.
  • For Humanities background, you need a total GPA of 6.00. You need GPA 3.00 separately in both SSC/equivalent and HSC/equivalent exams.
  • These total GPAs are calculated with the 4th subject.

GCE Level

  • You need to pass at least 5 subjects in ‘O’ Level and at least 2 subjects in ‘A’ Level.
  • You need to have a total of 7 subjects from both levels.
  • Among these 7 subjects, you need to have at least ‘B’ grade in 4 subjects and at least ‘C’ grade in 3 subjects.

How to Apply

Comilla University Admission Form 2025 can be fill up through the Comilla University Admission website Admission Form can be fill up from 2 February 2025 to 28 February 2025. To apply, please follow these steps:

  1. First, go to the website:
  2. Click on the button that says “Click here to Apply”.
  3. A new page will open. Here, you need to enter some information. This includes your HSC roll number, the name of your education board for HSC, your SSC roll number and the year you passed both your HSC and SSC exams. You also need to give your mobile number. This number will be used for all communication about your application. After entering all the information, click on the “Apply” button.
  4. The website will then show you the information you have submitted. Please check if all the information is correct. If everything is right, click the “Confirmation” button.
  5. After confirmation, you will receive an SMS on the mobile number you provided. This SMS will contain your password. It is very important to keep this password safe for future use.
  6. Next, you need to log in. You can find the login options by clicking on “Click here to Login” or “Applicant Login”. Use your Mobile Number and the password you received to log in.
  7. Once you are logged in, you will see your Dashboard. On this page, you need to choose the medium for your exam question paper. If you want to answer in Bangla, select “Bangla”. If you want to answer in English, select “English”.
  8. After selecting the medium, click on the “Next” button. You will now see options to upload your photo and signature. Make sure your photo is 400px X 300px in size and your signature is 300px X 80px in size. Upload these files in the specified boxes.
  9. After uploading your photo and signature, click “Next” again. You will be taken to a page showing your photo, signature and other details. On this page, you will also see the list of Units you can apply to. If you want to apply to a Unit, click the “Click here to Apply” button next to that Unit. If you want to see the subjects under a Unit, you can click “Click here to see Subject List”.
  10. After you have applied to a Unit, a “Pay Now” button will appear. Click on “Pay Now” to pay your application fee. You need to pay separately for each Unit you apply to. You can make the payment using bKash or Rocket mobile banking.

This is the complete application process. Please follow these steps carefully. For Detail Payment Guide, follow the Comilla University Admission Circular and Prospectus.

Comilla University Admission Circular 2025

Comilla University Admit Card 2025

When can you download your admit card? The time and date for downloading your Comilla University Admit Card 2025 has been announced. It can be Download from 15 March 2025 to 10 April 2025. The University will inform you through their website and SMS. So, please keep checking the University website. Also, check your SMS regularly for updates. To Download Comilla University Admit Card, visit and login.

On the day of the admission test, you must bring your admit card with you. This is very important. For each Unit you have applied to, you need to bring the downloaded admit card for that Unit. Without the admit card, you may not be allowed to enter the exam hall.

Seat Plan

The Comilla University seat plan 2025 and other related information will be announced later. The University will publish this information on their website. Please keep checking the University website regularly for updates about the seat plan and other details.

Marks Distribution

The admission test will be an MCQ type exam. The exam will have a total of 100 marks. You will have 1 hour to complete the test. For every wrong answer, 0.25 marks will be deducted. The questions will be based on your HSC syllabus.

Here is how the marks are divided for each Unit:

Unit-A Marks Distribution

For Unit-A, there are compulsory subjects and optional subjects.

Compulsory Subjects (50 Marks):

  • Physics: 25 Marks
  • Chemistry: 25 Marks

Optional Subjects (50 Marks): You have to choose any two groups from the following three groups:

  • Group 1: Bangla (10 Marks) and English (15 Marks) – Total 25 Marks
  • Group 2: Mathematics – 25 Marks
  • Group 3: Biology – 25 Marks

You need to select any two from these three groups to get a total of 50 marks in optional subjects.

Unit-B Marks Distribution

The marks distribution for Unit-B is different for students from different backgrounds.

For Humanities Students:

  • Bangla: 20 Marks
  • English: 20 Marks
  • General Knowledge: 60 Marks
  • Total: 100 Marks

For Science Students:

  • Bangla: 20 Marks
  • English: 20 Marks
  • Physics: 30 Marks
  • Chemistry: 30 Marks
  • Total: 100 Marks

For Business Studies Students:

  • English: 25 Marks
  • Bangla: 25 Marks
  • General Knowledge: 10 Marks
  • Accounting: 20 Marks
  • Business Organization & Management: 20 Marks
  • Total: 100 Marks

Unit-C Marks Distribution

For Unit-C, the marks distribution is:

  • Bangla: 20 Marks
  • English: 20 Marks
  • Business Organization & Management: 30 Marks
  • Accounting: 30 Marks
  • Total: 100 Marks

Passing Marks

To pass the admission test, you need to get at least 33 marks in each unit (Unit A, Unit B, and Unit C).

Admission Result

After the admission test, Comilla University will prepare a merit list. This list will be based on a total of 150 marks. Your final merit position will be determined based on your marks in the admission test and your marks or grades in your SSC and HSC exams.

How Merit List is Made

  • Your GPA from SSC/ ‘O’ Level exam will be 20% of the merit score.
  • Your GPA from HSC/ ‘A’ Level exam will be 30% of the merit score.
  • Your admission test score will be 100% of the merit score.

To calculate GPA for ‘O’ and ‘A’ Level exams, these points will be used:

  • A = 5.00
  • B = 4.00
  • C = 3.50
  • D = 3.00

Where to Find the Result

The list of successful candidates will be available on the University website:

Interview Process

  • Candidates who pass the admission test will be called for an interview based on their merit position.
  • You must bring original copies of all your certificates and documents at the time of the interview.
  • If any candidate is absent or disqualified, the next candidate from the merit list will be called for an interview to fill the vacant seats.
  • After the interview, the list of candidates who are selected for admission in each department will be published. This list will be put on the notice board of the respective Unit and on the University website.

Interview Date

The date for the Unit-wise interview will be announced later on the University website when the results are published. Please check the university website regularly for updates.

Migration Process

Comilla University has a migration system if you want to change your department after admission.

  • After admission from the merit list, there is a specific time for migration.
  • Migration is possible if there are empty seats in different departments.
  • If seats are available, you can apply to change your department.
  • This change will be based on the choices you gave in your ‘Choice Form’.
  • Department change will also depend on your merit position.
  • If you are eligible and there is a vacant seat, you may get a chance to change your department.


This document has given you important information about the Comilla University admission process for 2025. We have discussed how to apply, about the admit card, marks distribution, results, and other important things.

For the latest updates and details, please always check the Comilla University website. The website is where you will find the seat plan and other new announcements. Keep visiting for all official information.

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